Letter n Colour Limited (LCL) has become a renowned name in the printing industry of Bangladesh. Under the Companies Act, 1994 of Bangladesh, LCL starts its mission as a company since January 2010. In the same year LCL has been declared as Press under the Press & Publications Act 1973, Section 4(1).
Since its very inception LCL has been trying to enrich itself in all areas of printing and binding solutions to provide up to date services to the clientele. Through the years of constant change in market demand LCL was able to adapt and grow with the changing environment, into one of the most trusted names in the printing industry here in Bangladesh.
LCL is built around the best competitive and unique asset that is its team players. We always try to attract and retain the best skilled manpower available in the industry dominion. Our team members are our core assets combined with skills, knowledge, and a passion for continuous improvement.
At present we are around 170 in number and growing with the expansion of business. We are an equal employment opportunity provider and 20% of our members are female. As we try to ensure congenial working environment we are experiencing lowest employee turnover rate in the industry.
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